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What You Need to Understand About Natural Fertility Treatment

What You Need to Understand About Natural Fertility Treatment

Many couples will try to conceive for months on end, some couples find themselves trying for years before they start looking at natural fertility treatment options. Couples under thirty-five that have tried to conceive for a year or more or those over thirty-five that have tried for six months should consider seeking help to find if they need fertility treatment to start their family.

Deciding to start a family is such an exciting time, unfortunately, not everyone is lucky enough to fall pregnant in the first cycle; many couples take months, even years to conceive. It is a devastating blow; it leads to depression, anxiety and stress. Stress is a serious problem as it can cut the chances of conception.

There are a number of medications and natural fertility treatments you can consider from medicines, which stimulates ovulation to increase the chances of success. 

Should the medication not work, then there are rules which are taken into consideration. There is IUI, intrauterine insemination, which is when the sperm directly into the womb. This is timed with ovulation to increase the chances of success.

To know more about natural fertility treatment visit us!

Updated 18-Sep-2019
Welcome to NFP! We are an online provider of evidence-based natural fertility information, guidance and personalized coaching.

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